The Theresa Labreglio Scholarship honors the wife of our beloved teacher, Melissa Malone, who passed away in 2020. Theresa’s dedication to the arts was an inspiration to all.

On September 10, 2022 we lost HCT Alum Sarah Katz. Sarah was born with LongQT syndrome, a genetic heart rhythm disorder which had been successfully managed for her entire life, so it was a heart breaking shock when we lost her to sudden cardiac arrest. Sarah was a long time HCT student and Company member. To honor her memory, and her amazing family Jill, Mike & Dana Katz, we will present gifts to rising college freshman, as Sarah was a student at University of Pennsylvania, and valued education.
Eligibility requirements for both:
Hoboken Children’s Theater
Theresa Labreglio College Scholarship
The Sarah Katz Award
Eligibility requirements
1. You must have participated in any capacity, (a performer, assistant, staff, or volunteer ) at any time, in any Hoboken Children’s Theater activity (productions, classes, SummerStage).
2. You must submit an essay, explaining how theater has influenced you.
3. You must be attending an accredited 4 year college or university in the Fall.You do not need to be majoring in the Arts.
1. You must have participated in any capacity, (a performer, assistant, staff, or volunteer ) at any time, in any Hoboken Children’s Theater activity (productions, classes, SummerStage).
2. You must submit an essay, explaining how theater has influenced you.
3. You must be attending an accredited 4 year college or university in the Fall.You do not need to be majoring in the Arts.
This scholarship can be used as the recipient sees fit. Toward expenses, tuition, travel, etc.
Application deadline is June 10. Email to
Home Phone
Cell phone
High School
College attending in Fall
Major (If decided)
Minor (If decided)
History of participation at HCT
What character from a play or musical do you relate to the most and why?
What academic or service pursuit has theater aided or inspired you with?
(250+ words)
How has your experience at HCT or in theater in general influenced or impacted you?
(250+ words)
How has your experience at HCT or in theater in general influenced or impacted you?